Visiting Scholar, 2020-present
Worked with the Digital Humanities Program of the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Helped students conceive, develop, and ship working projects at the intersection of computing and the humanities.
Product Manager & Content Strategist, 2019-present
Responsible for planning, writing, and editing text within our client's apps. Main project was Caro Health, a post-surgery assistant app; there, formulated the 'voice' of the app's text, wrote guidelines for nurses and physicians to provide additional content, and scripted their chatbot in such a way that they seemed neither too human nor too robotic.
Director, 2016-2019
Directed a staff of 25 to run a technology and engineering camp of ~150 students aged 7-17. Programs at the camp include coding, game design, 3D printing, robotics, electrical engineering, digital photography, and video editing. As Director, responsible for overall organization, contacting parents, health and safety supervision, teaching undergraduate instructors how to teach, and sundry other tasks.
Editorial Consultant, 2016-2018
Read through the slush pile, helped decide which stories were published, edited stories slated for publication.
Editorial Assistant, 2013-2014
Communicated with those who submit papers to the journal and coordinating the review process between Armen Marsoobian, the journal’s editor, and the board of reviewers. Maintained the journal’s records and was responsible for migration to a more orderly digital bookkeeping system.
Writing Tutor, 2012-2014
Taught students how to organize their ideas and how to improve their writing, both grammatically and stylistically.